Approach in brief

“For a long time, I was looking for myself”. The artist has done everything in oil, from portrait to landscape. Then, she also tried charcoal before acrylics came along and became her medium of choice. At the very beginning of her artistic journey, Nathalie Grenier wanted to find what would make her a special artist, different from the others. She put into practice the Gnothi seauton or Nosce te ipsum, that is to say the Know Thyself; the oldest of the three precepts engraved at the entrance of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. It is a basic principle, a wisdom, that she has been following for years: the duty to be aware of one’s own measure. For many, it is a life’s work.

Nathalie Grenier knows what will touch people, what will bring them an emotion, a state of mind, a state of being, a memory… or even a desire deep inside them.

In his creative process, there is first of all a staging. It is the starting element. It is her very particular way of composing her work. She then writes what she feels, what she wants to make people feel. Then comes a photo session that completes the process. From the photos, the artist seeks to capture a magical moment, unique, imperishable. She immortalizes a space-time in painting in order to transmit an emotion or a feeling experienced.

Her work is divided into thematic series: “My Muses”,
“Our icons”, “Flots d’Azur”, “Inspiration Musique”, etc.

After the series “Flots d’azur” and “Inspiration Musique”, the artist takes a new turn, quite different. She works on cells. Again, a philosophical vision is emerging and underlies the work to come. “It’s like life, it’s always good to take a step back to better see, understand and, thus, be able to appreciate things more. His works up close are abstract, blurred. However, with the distance, under a glance of whole, one understands the work. Everything becomes clearer, everything becomes understandable.

The artist wishes to leave her mark as a woman artist. She dreams of becoming a balm to the heart, a comfort, a well-being for the people who will see her works. It is without pretention that she wants to create the beautiful, the good and to make dream the amateurs of art and the collectors.



Some of my works

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